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Hi there everyone
My name is Dale Mazurek. I have been happily married now for almost twenty years to a beautiful girl by the name of Jackie. Together we have three wonderful boys. Steven 21, Cameron 18, and Joshua 16. I am starting this blog as an outlet for people to be able to come and read about other people’s relationship issues. I am looking for funny, sad, scary, loving and any other kind of relationship story you want others to read. These relationships can be between you and a lover, you and your grandparents, you and your kids or even you and your pets. It doesn’t matter as long as it is a relationship topic. I would be willing to put some small tidbits of advice on there as well but we all have to remember that we are not doctors and I will not put anything on this site that I think may harm or induce harm on another person. I want everybody from 10 year olds to 100 year olds to be able to read my site so I will have no sexual content or profane language.
This is how it is going to work. If you are interested in adding a submission to my blog then I would have you email me your submission with your name, submission and in the subject box you could write “relationship blog” so I know where to categorize it in my email. Once I have read it and decided that it has a place in my blog I would then go ahead and post it and send you an email telling you that it is posted. I am willing to look at some topic related links to go with your story but I can’t promise you that they will get put on the blog. If I think they are relevant then they would get added but I refuse to turn this blog into a sales place for everyone. I may even consider the odd advert on my blog. Something like wedding dresses or something like that.
So let’s go ahead and start submitting those stories so we can all read them together.
My email address is remember to put relationship blog in the subject line. Thank you in advance and I hope we can all be looking at this blog for years to come.
Thanks Dale Mazurek
Hi my name is Dale I am happily married and have three boys. I work in the oil patch in Alberta. I love fishing, writing and now trying to make a living on line.